To camp.


In the past, having a seizure while camping would have scared me off from camping. But not this time. I went camping again.

We brought a tent and the dogs this time, but it wasn't quite enough. I struggled, I won't lie. I still got uncomfortably cold in the wee hours and didn't sleep well, but I didn't have a seizure. So, I'd call it a win. Next step: buy a 0 degree sleeping bag (wish me luck on finding a good one on sale). Still, it was a spectacular night of a little rain, some reading, wine, stargazing, and comet gazing.

What is your favorite part of camping? 

I love the sounds of nature. Birds, owls, crickets, the trees rustling in the breeze. Listening to those sounds, I can let go and just be in the moment. When we got caught in the rain and had to hide under a bridge with the dogs for a bit, I marveled. The sound of raindrops  hitting the river while lightning flashed, and thunder roared, was like a symphony. Yep, sounds are definitely my favorite part of camping. 

Never going to stop. 

Persevere my friends, only you can make your life worthwhile.


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