am I really as limited as they say?

"Mental Problems," and "Panic Attacks," are labels that limit and frustrate us. Us, being me and anyone like me who has been taught that we are, in fact, limited . I say "taught" because I have fought this teaching tooth and nail and limb my whole life in order to achieve what I want. Remember everyone asking you what you wanted to be when you "grow up" and having to research colleges and majors in high school? Well, I studied and explored my options and was excited about my conclusion. However, when I went to an adult in my life and told her, she told me I wouldn't be able to handle it. Without hesitation. When I came to my own defense she continued to shoot it down. She was right at the moment, but not because my anxiety wouldn't have been able to deal. She was right because no one believed I could do anything . The fact of the matter is that because I had mental problems there wasn't a single adult in my life that believ...