Yep. That's me. Kelly Ann Hunter. I'm a singer/songwriter (using her first and middle name as a stage name) and creative who owns a beer, wine and cigar bar with her husband. Always busy, sometimes crazy and often sharing pictures of my dogs and things I find beautiful in the mountains around me.

I find solace on the quiet trails where I live, joy in the people around me, life in Scripture, and shalom (completeness) in singing. I probably have a blood disease called porphyria that sometimes renders me completely paralyzed, causes a lot of mental confusion and disorientation, sporadic dizziness, and really annoying muscle spasms (like seizures). I am also, for lack of a better label, a Messianic Jew. I aim to live a Torah obedient life, in the light of Yeshua Ha-Mashiach. My greatest passion is seeking absolute truth about life, science and humanity in the Scriptures according to YHVH instead of the Gospel according to a bunch of "Church Fathers." My biggest dream is to be a mother (biological or otherwise). My present aspiration is to write books and more songs. My greatest comfort is being married to a wonderful man. This is my story. 

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