maybe I'm strong, or maybe I'm just stupid and stubborn

For the longest time I honestly thought my symptoms were just going to kill me someday. I would be laying there completely paralyzed and only able to blink on purpose, waiting to die because doctors had no clue what was going on. And, honestly, I was okay with that. I stopped caring. I wasn't scared. I just embraced each day and stopped denying myself what made me happy. 

I have this picture hanging on the wall of my tiny house. 

Taking this picture was kind of stupid, but I don't regret it. The falls were so frozen people were ice climbing them that year. So after work on January 14, 2012, I grabbed my dog and we went for a short, late afternoon hike. The falls were so frozen I could only hear a faint trickle of water, and I got this picture from the top of the large boulders around the top. Then it happened. My dog had been a pill the whole 20 minutes it took to get to this spot with my cane to take the picture, but suddenly he really started freaking out. So I stepped back and sat down with him a safe distance from the 176 foot frozen drop that is Frazier Falls. I posted a different picture on instagram and tried to comfort Henry. But it wasn't long before the world started spinning and I was laying down, paralyzed. I don't know how long I was there, honestly. Henry curled up next to me until I could sit up, and then I was finally able to get up with my cane but my legs were so weak. Thankfully, when I reached the trail, there are benches throughout the paved path and I sat at each and every one of them. Out of breath and quivering from the effort. By the time I got back to the car, I just sat there with the heater on for a little while to relax. When I got home, I slept. 

Maybe I'm just too stubborn, but boy were the falls beautiful that day! People talk like perseverance is some sacred virtue that people rarely have, but the truth is, sometimes you just have no other choice. I wasn't about to leave myself and my dog outside alone overnight with no supplies in freezing temperatures. I just made it happen. I crawled part of the way and walked after I reached the first bench. 

It's nothing special, except that this picture reminds me of just what I am capable of. 

So I look at this picture and remember that I have no excuse. If I can do that, I can do anything I need to do. 

The same goes for you. You don't know what you are capable of doing until you have no other choice and you just do what you've got to do. 

Cheers to accomplishing more than we ever thought we could!


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