When you're alone and life is keeping you lonely...

It hurts to be this physically weak and I hate feeling useless. When you suddenly can't walk and you don't know how many days the muscle weakness will claim, it's depressing. I can't work. I can't cook for myself if it involves more than a microwave. I can barely walk myself to the bathroom. And everyone around me has to pick up the slack, so I'm left alone. Napping, reading (if I can comprehend it that day), watching movies, whatever it is I can manage to do. It's boring, lonely, depressing, and discouraging.
But still, I have to say that I am really thankful. Thankful for my husband and all the people in my life, for beer, for scotch, for wine, for sunshine, for my dogs, for the puppy constantly begging me to throw her ball, for books to read, for dvd's to watch, for my mandolin, entertaining text messages, and so many other things. Maybe one day I will have a wheelchair for my bad days and then I won't have to sit, confined at home every time it happens. Then I will be thankful for that too.
Cheers to the bright side and all the wonderful people in my life,
Kelly Ann