the skinny:

For those of you trying to keep up with this gypsy, I have settled down for the time being and boy is it hard!! I kicked off a new semester at Multnomah Biblical Seminary last month with a week long class at the Portland campus and have settled into my Spring semester in Reno, NV. I am getting my Master of Arts in Biblical Studies with an emphasis on the Old Testament and, especially, the Hebrew language. Also, I now have a wonderful, new, holistic doctor who is trying to get me on a two year plan to get my disease and health under control. It's going to be rough, and cost more money than I can imagine having, but my Elohim has blessed it thus far so I ordered everything today! I cannot express how amazing it is after nearly 10 years to have a medical professional tell me there is hope! Especially after looking at how BAD my test results were! Seriously, it's amazing I haven't died yet! There is also a procedure she wants me to have done that could potentially cure a lot of my symptoms (more on that later!). I am not doing very well at keeping the flame of my music career alive these days however, with the dive my carpal tunnel took this past fall. I'm working hard to get my wrists back up to par to play more often, though this has meant less practice time and pain after the few gigs I have had here and there. It's such a steep climb, this journey to healthiness!
Thankfully I'm not doing it alone!! 
Hopefully it won't be too long before I share more! XOXO - Kelly Ann


Jami said…
Praying for you! Love you!

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