home sweet mountain home
Today's agenda: Wear out my over-energetic dog. Reality: I wore myself out.
I'm definitely getting the idea that I should stop hiking alone. I love the quiet enjoyment and the freedom to let my mind wonder and my imagination sore. I enjoy all the memories that flood my head at the sight of a mountain peak I've climbed and dipping my toes in a lake I've only seen from afar. These mountains have become like old friends, and a kind of sanctuary where I talk to God, but I think it's time I take more than God and dog on my walks. Maybe it was everything on my mind, or the very long day I had yesterday, (or both) but my degenerative disease showed up today and I fell. Right there in the dirt, on the trail. It wasn't a paralysis kind of fall, it was a wobbly kneed/drop foot fall that left me walking like a drunken cartoon on the way back. Exhibit A for why I shouldn't hike alone anymore. I made it to my car, no scary business really, just too many dangerous what ifs.
trying not to worry about what ifs