home sweet mountain home (summer storm)

I do so enjoy a good summer storm like today! I don't much like hot weather and when the rain started falling while I was at work I couldn't resist a step onto the back deck. The steamy air, dark clouds and big raindrops falling on my skin were most welcome after this unusually hot weather! I wasn't the only one enjoying it either. I finally got customers once it started raining! Then my drive home brought the smell of wet pine trees and a view of mist across the road and over the mountains. Storms are powerful and can be dangerous, but maybe that image of God's power and gentleness is what I love most about them. It's just so beautiful that a God so powerful to make weather ever changing and drastic loves me! Anyway, today was gorgeous and this evening chill is blissful. I am so thankful for this much needed, refreshing summer!  


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