home sweet mountain home


Yah took time to enjoy all that He had made in the creation process. At the end of each day, he stopped and saw that it was "good." Then he took a day of rest to really enjoy it. We, however, often overlook the beautiful. Caught up in ourselves, our tasks, money, or having fun, we don't take time to really enjoy what is right in front of us. So, I've been training myself to notice. I have a photo album that says "Happiness" on the front and for the past two years I have been filling it with beautiful moments. Photographs of people and things that made me happy. This way, when I look back, I won't just remember how hard and painful those two years were. I'll have proof that good things happened too. Maybe one day I will better see that I have so much more because of this disease, not in spite of it.

Sometimes you really do need to stop and smell the flowers


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