recap round Henry

 Friday, March 4, 2011 

TroublemakerIt had been a few weeks since I watched my favorite dog, River Tam, get hit by a car. The dynamics of my household were all out of whack and too blue. So, while Emily was in school, I went to High Sierra Animal Rescue "just to look" at some dogs I had seen on their website. Of course, I fell in love with a funny looking, skinny dog I hadn't even considered, who had a cone on his head and tiny little dreadlocks. He was the only dog who didn't bark at me when I walked down the isle. He just stood there wagging his whole body and looking up at me. So that Friday I brought a 2 1/2 year old "Scampy" home and he hated his name. Seriously, this dog rolled his eyes at me when I said Scampy and proceeded to ignore me as much as possible for days. Emily and I tried name after name after name. I really wanted to name him Winston or Knightly, but neither he nor Emily liked those. So, on a chance, I called him "honey" when he was giving me some attitude and I tell you that dog turned around and smiled! So I said, "Emily, quick! What's a name that sounds like Honey?" "Henry" stuck. Emily liked it. Henry liked it. I tried to change it. I lost. So I got him a name tag and that was that.
He. was. a. mess. He destroyed the blinds in our cabin (which I had to replace when we moved). He went crazy in crates, he could clear the highest doggy gate like it was nothing and he only ate wet dog food, but at least he was house trained! He hated being on a leash and even got violent, throwing himself around like that would get the leash off or something. I had to step on his leash so he couldn't budge or (when he bit my shoes) I'd pick him up and hold him very tightly on his back like a baby. He was ridiculous! Emily and I even had to carry him up and down the stairs because he was afraid of them for the first month (they were rather steep and ominous; you could see between each step). I can't believe I never even considered sending him back?! Maybe it was because he liked to snuggle or that he looked so cute throwing snow all over the place with that silly cone. 
Who knew that this high maintenance, super energetic dog would turn out to be just what I needed?! It was no coincidence that he was found on the highway 30 miles down the road from where River Tam was hit that same week she died. Nor happenstance that he was there through some of the toughest times of my life thus far! He kept me going with his constant demands and ridiculously happy personality. 
You wouldn't believe some of the stories I have from life with him! Like the time he persuaded a bear to go away, or tried to let me know I was going to have an episode 30 min before it hit, or just last week he made me turn around on a hike and probably saved our lives (from a bobcat or a bear or something I couldn't see through the trees). He is the best Schnoodle mutt and adventure companion for me! (and snuggly soft too!)
I love my dog.


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