2013 Tour P.9

 The day the music almost died 
I left Texas and made my way to Arizona to see the family I used to nanny in California. The kids didn't know I was coming, so when they saw me in the morning it was a pretty fun surprise! However, when I went to leave on April 18 my car didn't want to. So I pulled off and texted Trina, "I have a problem." She directed me to a mechanic and boy did that mechanic go above and beyond for me! Still, Vada wasn't worth saving. Her tires were ready to go, and things were falling apart (literally). I tried every avenue I could to get a new car and failed miserably, so I gave up. I went to bed ready to cancel all of my scheduled gigs, move to AZ and find a job to save till I could afford something. It was either be stranded there or at my parents' place and the job market seemed better in Prescott. Then a friend came to my rescue and told me her boyfriend was selling his car in Auburn CA and voila! I had a plan! I spent extra days with Trina and the kids; we went on hikes, they adopted a second dog (the cutest little lhasa apso named Zeke) and I woke up with the sun every morning! It was pretty spectacular despite all the stress. So I sold Vada for parts, took a picture as the tow truck passed me on my walk to eat the biggest burrito of my life, and rented a car to get me to Monterey for my next scheduled gigs (couldn't afford to miss another weekend's worth of income!). In the end, I got to discover some of Arizona's charm with people I love and meet very kind and helpful professionals!  

arizona sunrise in the backyard stressed as I say goodbye to my transportation Bye bye Vada
Maybe I'll move to Prescott this fall/winter...I hear Whiskey Row has lots of good music


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