2013 Tour P.1

San Jose backyard concert stage  March 9, 2013 

The tour kicked off with one whimsical backyard concert in San Jose, CA. My hosts had decorated their backyard charmingly and the abundance of food and good company made me especially happy! There is something about playing a house or backyard concert that I like better than other venues I have played. Of course, opening up for The Marshall Tucker Band on a big stage last August was exhilarating, but house concerts are a special breed. They have such a relaxed, family feel AND I get to talk to everyone. I'd take 30 people in a backyard on a sunny California afternoon any day over thousands of screaming fans! (Does anyone else find that pop culture tradition strange? Excluding the awesome cheering fans of course - big difference) I also got an unexpected surprise the next day when I went to leave for my next stop in Monterey. There was someone who had been working outside the day before that walked over as I was packing up my car to give me a tip and, more to my joy, a compliment! It was such a surprising blessing! The strawberry on top of one delicious piece of angel food cake! 


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