I turned 27...

I'm sorry it has been so long since I posted anything! Things have been crazy! I have been celebrating my birthday, releasing my second album in physical CD form for the first time, working, and wrestling with my neuromuscular disease. Welcome to my seven and twentieth year! I had a great time celebrating my birthday in my hometown with friends and family, and then at my CD release party here in the mountains where my good friends Battle Victorious stopped by on their Tumbleweed Tour. Not to mention a surprise visit from my mom that same day! It really has been a spectacular birthday this year thanks to all my beloved friends and family! Even though my disease graced me with its presence three times last week, leaving me more sore than I have ever experienced and totally freaking people out. Such is my life! Either way, I am happy to have survived another year of life and move on to new adventures! Now, 27 happens to be one of my favorite numbers so I'm thinking this yea...